Wraparound Care
Breakfast Club
Our Breakfast Club is only open to anyone who is unable to find an alternative option for childcare.
We have spaces for 40 children to attend the Breakfast Club which costs £4.00 per session, with a 50p discount for any siblings attending on the same day, and is open from 7.30am to the start of the school day, Monday to Friday, excluding INSET days.
The children receive a breakfast of cereal, toast, fruit and fruit juice. Children need to arrive by 8.15am to be served breakfast.
There are a number of supervised activities that children can choose to do after their breakfast, including outside play on dry warm days.
At the end of the session everyone is expected to help pack away before going to their class.
Bookings must be made through Parent Pay.
After School Club
Our after school provision is run by an Ofsted-registered organisation Active8 Minds until 6:00pm. Details and booking available from www.active8minds.co.uk or by phoning 01243 696580