Performance Data

The above performance measures are not current.


The Government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. They have archived data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.

Key Stage 2 SATs 2023

It is worth noting that our children took SATs in their stride in 2023. They had the right attitude. Resilience is coming back since its time in the pandemic wilderness and the children did well. Here is a summary of their results with the national results and the previous year’s results for comparison. 

In reading in 2023, the children’s outcomes were above the national average, pulling up from last year’s 68% (which was below the national expectation). In maths, the children’s performance was equally impressive being well above the national expectation. Whilst the number of children achieving ARE in Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) massively improved on last year’s result, we still have some work to do. However, the good news is that we have a robust plan to tackle this from September 2023.

We are very proud of the children’s achievements last year. They have ALL risen to the challenge of learning and almost every child achieved or bettered his or her targets. What impresses us most, is that the children have performed well in their SATs without us compromising our broad and rich curriculum. For example, in addition to everything else, the children have been fully engaged in our environmental curriculum, attended a week’s residential visit in Somerset and extended their skills and experiences through Peter Pan and most recently they have made a film about the Sutton Hoo finds. It’s not that we don’t practise SATs techniques – we do, because learning the art of test-taking is a life skill. However, this has never been at the expense of a broad and balanced curriculum. 

Here is what Jon Fielder, our Chair of Governors has to say about the SATs results 2023 on behalf of the governors.