Safeguarding determines the actions that we take to keep children safe and protect them from harm in all aspects of their school life. As a school we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all of our pupils.
The actions that we take to prevent harm; to promote wellbeing; to create safe environments; to educate on rights, respect and responsibilities; to respond to specific issues and vulnerabilities all form part of the safeguarding responsibilities of the school. These are all linked together in our overarching school policy.
At Wicor, any individual can contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) or one of the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL) if they have concerns about a child or young person.
The DSL is Claire Mapp and the DDSLs are Mark Wildman, Alison Ryan and Alison Nash. All DSLs can be contacted by phoning the school office, asking to speak to a member of the DSL team at the school office or emailing Our online safeguarding lead is Gemma Sills, who can be contacted via the school office or by email at There is also a nominated safeguarding governor, who will take leadership responsibility for safeguarding. This is currently the Chair of Governors, Jon Fielder, who can be contacted at
Safeguarding Policy
Health and Safety
The school's Health and Safety Policy and procedures are monitored by ther relevant school staff. Each term there is at least one emergency evacuation drill ('fire drill') that practises efficient evacuation from the buildings. The school conducts an annual Fire Risk Assessment.
Health and Safety Policy
Appointments of staff and induction of newly appointed staff
The school follows safer recruitment practices when interviewing potential members of staff. All members of staff who are subsequently appointed to work in school will have a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) search. Staff and governors involved in recruitment undergo appropriate safer recruitment training.
All newly appointed staff must familiarise themselves with policies and procedures relating to health and safety and safeguarding.
Induction of volunteers and work placement students
Volunteers must also have a DBS search where the involvement with children is regular or intense. A check is not required for a brief activity, such as a school visit or where contact with the children is supervised by a member of staff.
DBS checks for work placement students are carried out by the appropriate college or university and a copy is supplied to the school at the start of the placement.
All volunteers and work placement students must familiarise themselves with policies and procedures relating to health and safety and safeguarding.
Internet Safety
At Wicor we teach children how they can stay safe online, primarily through our High Five approach.
For articles and guidance on all aspects of child internet safety visit
Parents can use this site to access advice and support on how to keep children safe from abuse, both online and off.
Parents can also use CEOP Website (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) centre to report abuse and exploitation.
Other key policies can be viewed on the links below or hard copies can be requested from the office.
Key Stage 2 internet safety presentation:
Other key policies can be viewed on the links below or hard copies can be requested from the office.