General Letters and Communication

4.9.24  PE Days

Year 1 - Monday & Wednesday 

Year 2 - Tuesday & Thursday 

Year 3 - Tuesday & Thursday

Year 4 - Monday &  Thursday 

Year 5 - Tuesday & Wednesday 

Year 6 - Wednesday & Friday

Parent Pay Communications:


Dear Parents,

We are in need of lots of swimming noodles, preferably 150cm in length, for our Year 4 & 5 Summer production.  Also, a children's play tunnel (preferably blue)

If you have any of the above, please send them in to the office, or give to Mrs Morgan.

Thank you so much in advance.

The Summer Production Props Team


With effect from tomorrow, the 15th January 2025, the RED option will no longer be BBQ pizza topped with chicken but instead will be Margherita pizza. This also applies to all allergy children. 


There will be a permanent change to the GREEN option every Friday for all weeks.

Instead of Pesto Pasta, the option will now be Tomato pasta.

This change will start from tomorrow, Friday 6th December 2024.