Y2 Letters and Communication

Parent Pay Communications:


Dear Parents,

We would just like to give you some information about reading in Year 2. Your child will come home with either a colour banded reading book, a colour banded reading book and a phonics booklet or just a phonics booklet. Please could you take the time to read with your child every day. Regular reading, even for just 10 minutes a day will have a greater impact on their learning than one or two longer sessions. 

You may notice that your child has a phonic booklet that you have already seen. This is because we have assessed every child and have identified where there are gaps in their phonic knowledge. We feel that by giving them the booklet that matches the gap in knowledge for a couple of weeks, this should help to bridge the gap and they can then move on to the next booklet where the next gap occurs. Please tick the booklet page you have read every time you read it and we will do the same if we hear them read their booklet.  

We hope this makes sense but if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of the Year 2 team.

Many thanks

Mrs Kimber and Mrs Murch

