
Items with the school logo on can be purchased from Skoolkit, click the button below. It is perfectly acceptable for children to wear non-branded items, items purchased from any retailer, and items without the school logo on. Although we prefer the children to wear our school uniform, it is not a legal requirement. However, please note, we do not allow branded jumpers which advertise or promote underage games like Fortnite.

Some of the school uniform is designed to be worn in the summer months only, such as yellow and green gingham dresses, and others, like fleeces, are designed for the colder months.


The school is always keen on recycling and we sell "pre-loved" uniform to parents. This takes place during the weekly coffee mornings in the school hall. Parents can also contact the school if they require anything specific, or urgently, and staff will check if there is any "pre-loved" uniform available.


PE Days Sept 2023

Year 1 - Wednesday & Friday

Year 2 - Monday & Thursday

Year 3 - Tuesday & Friday

Year 4 - Monday & Thursday

Year 5 - Monday & Wednesday

Year 6 - Thursday & Friday