
Year 3 visited St Mary's Church in December 2023, to learn about Advent and the Christmas story.


The design of the Rangoli patterns by the Y1 children completed a unit of work where they took a close look at Christianity and Hinduism. The children focused on some of the celebrations within both religions and, in particular, the festival of Divali where they learnt that it is a five-day Festival of Light and marks the beginning of the Hindu New Year.  They heard the epic poem known as the Ramayana which tells the story of Rama, the Hindu god Vishnu in human form, and his wife, Sita, and explains how the festival began.  

Rangoli is an art form which includes decorative patterns using nature as inspiration.  Creating these patterns give Hindu families and communities a sense of collaboration, harmony and unity. In order to create their own Rangoli designs, our children learnt about pattern, line and symmetry, made close observational drawings using our spectacular grounds as inspiration, then applied this learning to their own patterns using a variety of mediums.